25 years ago

OCTOBER 25, 1977

Marion did it again! Saturday marked the third time that Marion has won second place in statewide PRIDE competition. The award and a check for $500 was presented Saturday night to Marion PRIDE chairman Dorothy Varenhorst by Governor Robert Docking at Topeka.

Sandy Marler, whose marriage to Dale Clemmer occurred Oct. 22, was honored Oct. 17 with a miscellaneous bridal shower in the fellowship hall of the Marion Christian Church. Hostesses were Mrs. Tommy Thompson, Viola Kelsey, Maude Thompson, Mrs. J.B. Miesse, Mrs. Jim Fruechting, Mrs. August Schoneman, Mrs. David Branson, and Mrs. Leslie Powell.

Trucks loaded with milo lined up during warm afternoons last week, waiting to unload grain at the Marion co-op elevator. At times, the line stretched from the elevator on South Third, north to Main Street. The plentiful fall harvest served as a blessing for farmers.

Members of last year's Cadette Girl Scout Troop 66 held a last get-together Oct. 16 when they drove to Wichita to attend movies at Cinemas East. They also stopped at Towne East and ate at McDonald's. Enjoying the day were Ann and Jan Bryant, Lisa Wilson, Sherry Snelling, Shelli Bernhardt, Darla and Jamie Vogel, and sponsors Margaret Wilson, Georgia Vogel, and Janet Bryant.

A family dinner at the home of Mrs. Frank Tajchman was highlighted by the taking of a five generation picture. Those in the picture were Millie Stuchlik, Angela Tajchman, Georgene Byram, Tim Byram, and Toby Byram.

St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church, Pilsen, was the setting for the Oct. 15 wedding of Marian Rose Vinduska and Randolph Alan Guapo. Msgr. Arthur Tonne performed the double ring ceremony and offered the Nuptial Mass at three o'clock in the afternoon.
