25 years ago

MAY 3, 1978

The latest word from the Tulsa District office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is that the completion date for the flood control project for Marion has been shoved up to April of 1979 — a year away. Reason given for the delay is due to railroad relocation.

A spacious 4,000 square foot home is being constructed by the carpentry class of Centre High School for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bina. The class will hold a public open house Sunday to display the fruits of their two-semester labor. The home is located two miles northeast of Pilsen.

Charles Dannenfelser was elected president of Marion Kiwanis Club Monday. Others elected were Tom Evert, vice president; Larry Loomis, second vice president; and Alex Case Jr., treasurer.

Cub Scouts recently held a physical fitness "Olympics" competition at Marion Elementary School. Awards were won by eight-year-olds Jason Bina, Greg Tice, and Shane Holub; nine-year-olds Dale Heidebrecht, Jeremy Schlehuber, and Devin Kelsey; and 10- and 11-year-olds Chris Meierhoff, Darrin Jost, and Michael Bina.

Three Marion County residents have been selected to the Brown Mackie College of Salina Honor Society for the 1978 school year. They are Connie Kerbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kerbs, Tampa; Mary Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans, Marion; and Julie Oborny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Oborny, Marion.

Debbie Jo Donahue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Donahue, Durham, has accepted a position with Koch Industries, Wichita, as an accountant. She will receive a bachelor's degree in accounting this May from Kansas State University, Manhattan.

Forrest Kelsey presented grand opening prizes to six ladies, who registered at Beckel's. Winners were Mrs. Jack Hoffman, Mrs. Earl Hoffman, Mrs. Oliver Pavey, Mrs. June Herzet, Mrs. Jim Smith, and Mrs. Brad Wildin.
