25 years ago
JUNE 22, 1977
Prospects for one of the best crop years in the history of Marion County were dashed early Friday morning by hail and strong winds. When farmers went to bed Thursday they had sweet dreams with the realization that their fields were lush — even though prices were low. A sudden downpour with wind and hail at 8 a.m. Friday ripped, snarled, and tore all the crops in its path — including gardens, fruit trees, flowers, milo, wheat, corn, and other commercial crops.
Terri Robinson, a recent graduate of Marion High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson of Florence, is now in the U.S. Air Force, based near San Antonio, Texas.
Two young post-high school students are working this summer for Kan-Go Oil Co. The girls, Teresa Costello and Denise Magathan, have jobs painting Kan-Go tanks and began work at the main plant on Pilsen Road.
Rhonda Leigh O'Dell and Eldon Hett were married June 12 in the Emmanuel Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delvin O'Dell, Florence. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hett, rural Peabody.
A special event of the evening at the June 16 meeting of Marion Chapter 278, Order of Eastern Star was the presentation of 50-year pins to Anna Hein, Mildred Newcomer, Lydia Jarvis, and Clive Jarvis.
Students from Marion listed on the Kansas State University honor roll for the spring semester include Joni M. Blanding, Betty J. Bowers, Mary L. Bowers, Teresa Case Nielsen, Brent Russell Colle, Kimberly K. Duke, Terry L. Fruechting, James Holub, Joan C. Kroupa, and Jo Marie Mueller.
Janelle Bowers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Bowers, and Judy Richmond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richmond, represented Marion County Farm Bureau at the 17th annual youth citizenship seminar held June 7-11 at Rock Springs Ranch, near Junction City.