25 years ago

AUGUST 10, 1977

A large crowd attended the 90th anniversary celebration at Durham Saturday night. A fun evening of frog races, turtle races, sack races, volleyball, games and homemade ice cream was enjoyed by everybody.

American National Insurance Company, one of the nation's largest life and health insurers, has announced the appointment of Rosse Case as the first broker with the company's new Central Kansas Branch located in the Old Mill Plaza at Newton. Dr. R.W. "Bill" and Peggy Wygle are co-general agents, the company's first husband and wife management team.

Six Emporia State University students from the Marion area were among 400 students who graduated from Emporia State University during summer commencement exercises. They are Anale Bilby, Burns; Ann Yoho, Florence; Kathleen Jones, Hillsboro; Carl Hanson Jr. Lincolnville; Brenda (Richmond) Soyez, Marion, and Jeffrey Topham, Peabody.

Sally Penner, director of nursing services at St. Luke Hospital, has been appointed as program coordinator of the Nursing Administration Section of the Midwest Health Congress.

Mr. and Mrs. John Crofoot were in Detroit, Mich., from Tuesday to Friday. John was attending the National Legislative Council meeting. The highlight for Marian was a tour of the Ford Motor complex.

Lucky Leaf 4-H Club went on an educational tour on Tuesday of last week. They toured the adobe house and honey factory in Hillsboro, had lunch in the park, then visited the worm factory in Marion.

Jeanette Jackson, high school social science teacher, Lois Winter, lunch room supervisor, and Edith Spencer, bus driver, turned in their resignations Monday evening to the Marion-Florence board of education members.

Mike Smith, weather reporter on KARD-TV, Wichita, will be the speaker at the annual meeting of St. Luke Hospital Auxiliary.
