25 years ago
Five beauties competed in the Groundhog Queen competition Saturday afternoon in the Legion hall. Gerry Harris introduced sweathogs Dandy Andy Ferrell, Legs Wilson, Bubbles "Plasterer" Larry Loomis, Goggles Cork, and Legal Eagle Eddie Wheeler. Leggs won by a whisker — or, eyelash. Cork was first runner-up. The crown of pure ground hog was placed on Wilson's head while the audience applauded. Groundhog Mel Honeyfield and his shadow, Jami Keller, escorted each contestant to the reviewing stand.
Jami Shirley, Linda Williams, and Lori Hett brought percentage shooting with them to the Berean tournament this week. Their shooting, and the combined effort of their teammates, won the Marion High School girls a fourth place in the tournament.
Mike Fruechting and Scott Miesse are participating in the Kansas State University short course for young farmers. The two month program ends March 7, with 56 enrolled. Both are 1978 graduates of Marion High School.
Pat Fox, recent journalism graduate at Wichita State University, joins the Marion County Record staff this week. Fox will replace Mike Heckman, who has moved to Temple, Texas.
Teri Robinson, a graduate of Marion High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson of Florence, is setting a fast pace on the hardwoods at Randolph AFB, Texas. A recent edition of the base newspaper, Wingspread, credited Robinson at being an expert at making "25-foot jump shot." She has consistently been the high point scorer for her team.