25 years ago

JUNE 27, 1979

Irv Schroeder County Motors soon will have a new home at the east edge of Marion. Now under construction by Longhofer's, the 60x138 foot structure will house the Marion branch of the Hillsboro-based group.

Sally Helmer and Roger W. Hannaford III were joined in marriage June 2 in an outdoor ceremony in Marion's Central Park.

A group of more than 50 elderly people met Wednesday afternoon in the basement of Marion City Building for the purpose of organizing a builders' group that can become a spearhead in providing a meeting place of older citizens of the community. Slate of officers for this group include: Les Fruechting, president; David Blackim, vice president; Dale Koegeboehn, treasurer; and Mildred Siebert, secretary.

Seven girls from Marion County have enrolled for classes at Brown-Mackie College in Salina. They are: Janelle Albrecht, Lincolnville; Paula Vinduska, Kathy Lei Sandwell, Renda Thompson, Annette Nienstedt, Brenda Friesen, and Robyn Brooks, all from Marion.

Marion High School journalism students Tammy Waner and Alice Hockensmith, both of Florence, and Donna Berg of Marion have completed the Kansas State University summer journalism workshop. The one-week session focused on yearbook editing and photography. The students were accompanied by journalism adviser Julie Fischer.

The following births were announced this week: a son, Trevor Monroe, born June 20 to Dr. and Mrs. John M. Loney of Beloit and a daughter, Melissa Ann, born June 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herzet of Cedar Point.

Students from Marion receiving degrees from Wichita State University in the spring are: Terri Friesen, daughter of Fern Friesen; Edward Lynn Griffith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Griffith; and Janice Richmond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richmond.
