25 years ago
The water survey and study by Norman Bowers, consulting engineer with Municipal Engineers of Marion and Wichita, of the proposal to bring reservoir water from Marion Lake to town was made Monday afternoon to City of Marion commissioners. The report shows that water from the federal reservoir is softer, only half as hard, as the present supply from Mud Creek. It also has a much improved taste over the present supply and has less odor.
Mrs. Richard Dale of Florence was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rocky Hett, at a luncheon at the Hays House in Council Grove one day last week. Other guests were longtime friends of Mrs. Dale: Mrs. Ralph Jackson of Florence, Mrs. Joe Caldwell of Emporia, Mrs. George Clasen of Garnett, and Mrs. Frank Haucke of Council Grove. Also present was Mrs. Dale's granddaughter, Wendy Hett.
Weddings announced in this week's issue include those of Karen Klein and Mike Regnier, May 29; Sharon Anderson and Larry Self, May 29; and Donna Berg and Dennis Bernhardt, June 5.
In a recent presentation at the Marion Post Office, four employees received National Safety Council awards for accident-free driving. Those who received awards and their years of safe driving were: Virgil Clark, rural carrier, 18 years; Bill Burkholder, rural carrier, five years; Wilbur Janzen, substitute carrier, three years; and Richard Britain city carrier, two years.
Tons of coontail moss seem to have completely overtaken a cove on the northwest side of Marion County Lake. Grass carp, which eat the moss, are being stocked in the lake to try to control the thriving plants.
Walt Ireland, volunteer weather observer at Florence, has received a 20-year pin from the National Weather Service. He reports temperature and rainfall to the NWS office at Wichita and also files monthly reports to Washington, D.C. Ireland took over the duties in 1962 from Ralph Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bruner of Marion opened a new clothing store Thursday next door to their jewelry store on Main Street. The new store, called The Clothes Shoppe, has "a little bit of a lot of things," according to Nova Bruner.