25 years ago
Only Wichita State and Kansas State could claim any greater following Saturday when over 5,000 persons gathered in Marion for the 71st annual Old Settlers' Day festival. The game in Manhattan was over in three hours, but Marion's OSD crowd remained all day, listening to music, watching the procession of parade floats and visiting with old friends.
Forrest and Bea Kelsey, Helen Westbrook, and Ira Turner were hosts at a neighborhood block picnic Sept. 19 at the Kelsey home. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Max Loveless, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slusser, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Deines and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Loomis, Ashley and Brian.
The 1924 Marion High School class met at WheatStone Inn Friday evening for a dinner to celebrate the 58-year anniversary of their graduation.
Five generations of the Best family got together recently in Moore, Okla. Pictured in a photo in this issue are John Best of Cordell, Okla.; his mother Minnie O. Best of Moore; Best's daughter Pauline Edmunds of Marion; her daughter Kathy Gray of Wichita; and Kathy's son, Kyle Justin Gray.
Among students who helped officials with the visit of President Ronald Reagan to Kansas State University in Manhattan recently were Ron Wineinger of Marion and David Mueller of Tampa. Both served as ushers.
Dr. Carol Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowers, will know many of her patients next week when she fills in at St. Luke Medical Clinic for Dr. Don Hodson while he is out-of-town. A Marion native, like Dr. Hodson, she is a specialist in family practice medicine. She also will cover for Dr. Jeff Martin on Saturday, for he will be out-of-town for the day.