25 years ago
Former teachers and students of the Sunflower school district and their families met at the Marion County Lake hall Oct. 4 for their fifth annual reunion. Thirty-three were in attendance at the potluck dinner.
Deborah L. Silhan and Richard W. Britain exchanged marriage vows Sept. 12 in a single ring ceremony performed at 2 p.m. by Father Gerald Pathe in St. Mark Catholic Church.
Members representing the local VFW Auxiliary at the fourth district fall convention in Abilene this past Sunday were Naomi Behrendt, Edith Loveless, Zeffie Marler, Leona Meisinger, and Sarah Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sherbert of Marion announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Donna, to Ronald L. Funk of Hillsboro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Funk, also of Hillsboro. The couple will be married Nov. 7 in the First Mennonite Church, Hillsboro.
Charlotte Thies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thies, celebrated her 11th birthday Friday by inviting Tami Ottensmeier, Jennifer McLain, and Robin Summervill to her home for a wiener roast. Later the girls attended the football game, then spent the night at the Thies home.
Mary Kay Waner, a student at Marymount College in Salina, has been elected as a representative to the student government association. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Waner of Marion.
Births announced in this week's issue included the following: Jeremy Clayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Kliewer of Orienta, Okla.; Jason Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kraus, Wichita; Carilynn Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Zant, South Haven; Rachel Elizabeth, daughter of Drs. Thomas Cooper and Linda Loney, St. Louis, Mo.; and John Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrison, Englewood, Calif.
Two of the six girls selected as finalists in competition for homecoming royalty at Hutchinson Community College are from Marion. They are Neletha Nelson, daughter of Lois Winter, and Janice Wiens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiens.