25 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huber of Wichita announced this week that they intend to purchase Mid — America Nursing Home from Charles Wurth, president of Mid — America Nursing Centers, Inc.. The Hubers also won and operate a nursing home at Wichita and one in Belle Plaine.
The Kansas Water Office has called a public meeting to be held Monday in the Marion City Commission room. Purpose of the hearing will be to provide information about the state water marketing program as it relates to the proposed sale of water from Marion Lake to the City of Marion and to Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laubhan, Marion, announce the engagement of their daughter, Laurie, to Tom Koslowsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Koslowsky, Hillsboro. A May 1 wedding is planned.
The Hannaford Abstract and Title Company entertained its office force with a Christmas dinner Tuesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hannaford. Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoover, Donna Seifert, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Makovec, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beaston and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Good.
Francis Jirak, with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is pictured as he heaves one of a multitude of buffalo captured Friday at Marion Lake. The 38-pounder was one in a truckload of rough fish rounded up by commercial fisherman Jim Bates and his crew. The fishermen netted 15,000 pounds of fish last week.
The Sunday evening salad and sandwich supper at the Youngtown church was attended by a large group. They enjoyed the film presented by Homer and Wilma Hett on a bus tour that visited New York, Washington, and Lancaster, Pa., where they visited the Amish farms and many other places.
Marine Pvt. Russell W. Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hansen of Florence, has completed the infantry combat training course at the Infantry Training School, Camp Pendleton, Calif. A 1981 graduate of Marion High School, he joined the Marine Corps in June 1980.
Wally, Elle and Micah Slusser and Pam and Harry Kassner pleasantly surprised their parents, Alden and Betty Slusser, on Saturday when they hosted a dinner at Kingfisher's Inn in celebration of the couple's 35th wedding anniversary.