25 years ago
december 17, 1980
About 300 children and their parents chuckled at the antics of their seasonal hero Thursday night in the film "Santa Claus and the Three Bears." The movie, presented at the Marion Municipal Auditorium, was sponsored by the Marion Chamber of Commerce.
A room rate increase of $45 per day will be initiated at St. Luke Hospital beginning in January, according to Ron Cork, hospital administrator.
Jan Nuss of Marion will represent Kansas as the state's "Lassie Queen" in competition for the title of National Shorthorn Lassie Queen in conjunction with the annual meeting of National Shorthorn Lassies in Denver, Colo. Jan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Nuss of Marion.
Three students from the area have been selected for "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities. They include Tamara Michelle Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Becker of Durham; Sharon Kroupa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kroupa of Marion; and Marsha Swartz, daughter of William McCartney of El Dorado and formerly of Marion.
Dear Santa, Please bring us a racing track. We have tried to be good. Love, Shad and Todd Winter.
Marion Kiwanians, noted for their singing, were overshadowed by superior quality Monday when Jeff Brewer and his quartet of senior boys put on a noon concert of close harmony. Seniors Greg Boyle, tenor; Brad Seifert, lead; Nathan Smith, baritone; and Jon Wiebe, bass, sang a few short selections commemorating the Christmas season.