25 years ago
Robert Hoffman, a sergeant on the Marion Police Department's four man force and acting chief since the recent resignation of his brother Ken Hoffman, was named chief of police Monday afternoon at the regular meeting of the Marion City Commission.
It is unusual that all three winners in the annual Marion County Record subscription contest, held each Christmas season, are Marionites. Rachel Keazer won first place and received the prize of $100 credit at any store which has advertised in the newspaper during November of December. Second prize of $50 credit went to Mrs. Roy Hiebert, and third prize, worth $25, went to Herb Wullschleger.
The announcement was made this week that Robert Brookens will join Roger Morse and Dean Batt as partners in the practice of law at Marion starting Jan. 1. Brookens has been practicing law in Marion since July of 1978.
Three Marion High School vocalists have been selected, following live audition, to participate in the Kansas All-State Choir. They are Cindy Heerey, alto; Rod Just, tenor; and Jon Wiebe, bass. Jeff Brewer, vocal music instructor at MHS, has been selected as district choral chairman for the coming year.
Members of the Marion County Record staff, their spouses and guests enjoyed their annual Christmas party Friday evening. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Monette Avery, Donna Berg, Dennis Bernhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Case Jr., Pat Fox, Deb Hamilton of Wichita, Bill Hoch, Mrs. Wharton Hoch, Melvin Honeyfield, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Marler, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meyer, David Silhan, Lori Kraus, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Summerville, Nettie Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jirak and family were unable to be present due to a prior commitment.
Dear Santa, I want a toy BB pistol, some Star Wars people, a police car, some house shoes and a watch band. I love you Santa. Merry Christmas!
Michel Soyez, age 6.
Dear Santa, I have tried hard to be good. I hope Mrs. Clause and the elves are OK. Please ask the elves to make me these things: A soccer ball, Spyrow-gragh, Barbie clothes and kitchen set, a wagon, super cycle and a set of book marks. You can have anything you want that is by my closet.
Love, Marni Rothman,
Tuxedo, New York