25 years ago
mARCH 11, 1981
Four sets of fathers and sons attend weekend National Guardsmen training together at the Council Grove Armory. Members of Detachment 2, 169th Engineer Company, they are PSG Newell E. Julian and PV1 Neil A. Julian, PV2 Brett A. Pippin and SFC Dean Pippin, Cadet Robert E. Ruple II and SSG Robert E. Ruple.
The Hillsboro City Council has approved $700,000 in Industrial Revenue Bonds for purchase of the Reynolds Aluminum Building, 10 acres of land and manufacturing equipment. Jim and JoAnn Thurston, president and secretary/treasurer of Round-up Industries plan to move their tank manufacturing facility to the new location and be operative by late March.
Mark Jirak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jirak of rural Tampa, has been selected by the moderator and advisers of the regional Catholic Youth Organization to receive the coveted "Eagle and the Cross" award. The award is in recognition of his outstanding work in the organization, for making CYO meaningful to himself, his parish and his region.
Ken Springer, Mick Summervill and Mary Jane Hanson, feed specialist with Cooperative Grain and Supply, recently participated in a range management school which followed a luncheon at Marion County Lake hall.
Lyle Leppke of Peabody, a member of the wool judging team at Kansas State University, recently helped his school win the 1981 National Western Wool Judging contest in Denver. Leppke led his team and tied for third in judging classes, fourth in grading fleeces and took third place overall.
Kansas State University junior Marc Smith is the recipient of the Max Straube Achievement Award given to the outstanding junior majoring in feed science and management at KSU. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith of Marion.