25 years ago
UNE 25, 1980
Kansas' unpredictable weather seemed to be cooperating early this week as wheat started rolling into area elevators. Test weights are averaging about 60 pounds per bushel and moisture content is in the 12 percent range.
Traffic along U.S.-56 about three miles west of Marion will be detoured for the rest of the summer while a new bridge is being constructed over the South Cottonwood River.
Trucker Daniel D. Ludwig of Florence will be competing in the 12th annual Truck Rodeo on Friday and Saturday in Salina. Ludwig will compete in the five axle competition for the second year in a row. He is a driver for Ludwig Truck Line.
Three Marion residents are to be recognized for outstanding service by the Greeley Gas Co. JoAnn Ottensmeier will receive a service award. William Helmer will be recognized for 13 years of service and safe driving and Rosalie Schmidtberger will be recognized for six years of service. Orlin L. Fleming, a 25-year employee from Peabody, also will be recognized for service.
According to St. Luke Administrator Ron Cork, St. Luke Hospital has passed the first step in winning state approval for a proposed physician's clinic to be built near the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Steinert of Tampa attended the Lawrence Welk show Thursday evening at the Coliseum at Wichita, an anniversary gift of their children. They got to talk to Guy Hovis, Lawrence Welk, Tom Netherton, and Myron Floren and got their autographs.