35 years ago

APRIL 25. 1968

Marion Community Guild will sponsor a benefit "Spring Salad Luncheon" May 10 to raise funds to help construct and equip a new kitchen in the Marion Municipal Building basement. After lunch, there will be benefit bridge and pinochle games.

Children of Bown-Corby School will present the 16th annual May Fete May 2 at Marion Gymnasium. Queen of May is Ann Christensen and her consort is Michael Ehrlich. Marc Smith will be "Jackson Scott," a real live astronaut, Molly Ferrell plays the part of the " Old Lady who swallowed the fly," and Jeffery Griffith is the "crooked man," to name a few of the participants.

In a feature story of this issue is the tale of Mark Marquardt, 15-year-old grandson of A.T. Ehrlich, and the story of his amazing train ride from his home in a Chicago suburb to Marion to spend the summer with his grandfather.

Class officers were elected at Marion High School this week, the list follows: Seniors: Barry Mueller, president; Melvin Hett, vice president; Roxanne Hague, secretary; and Tamara Case, treasurer. Juniors: Vince Tharp president; Stanley Hett, vice president; Rita Stika, secretary; and Patty Endres, treasurer. Sophomores: Richard Wiebe, president; Brenda Helmer, vice president; Deborra Case, secretary; and Douglas Keazer, treasurer.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meyer were hosts to the county editors and their wives Saturday evening, April 20. The group gathered at the Meyer home for a social evening. They also enjoyed a steak dinner at the Owl Car Café. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. K.B. Bruce of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clasen of Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Krause of Peabody.
