35 years ago
JULY 20, 1967
Shirt tails hanging in the office at the Marion airport tell the tale of students who have soloed recently. They include pieces of shirts belonging to Jack Walker, Sharon Walker, Fred Berns, Myron Frans, and Keith Conyers. Tradition has it that when a student solos, his shirt tail must be cut off.
Linda Oldham was guest of honor at a combination watermelon feed, swimming party, and slumber party Friday evening at the Oldham residence. She was celebrating her 16th birthday. Those invited were Susan Marler, Kathy Winter, Jan Herrick, Beverly Hoch, Beverly Elling, Joyce Ford, Jan Van Buren, Tammy Case, Marsha Cowan, Sue Hansen, Marla Bingaman, Maurita Deines, Pamela Weigart, Kathy Weber, Cathy Costello, Roxanna Hague, Lucille Spencer, and Debbie Finke.
David and Denise Newcomer, children of Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomer of Littleton, Colo., have spent the past 10 days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Newcomer.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Plenert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bredemeier and family have just returned from a trip to Washington, D.C., and to the Gallitzen State Park at Altoona, Pa., where they attended the National Campers and Hikers Convention. There were 28,000 people in attendance and all states were represented.
Karen Hein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hein of Hillsboro, and Mary Beth Kjellin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kjellin of Marion, returned recently from a two week trip to Chicago. It was an E.U.B. Church Work Camp where 17 young people from Kansas worked together for the Head Start program.
U.S. Air Force Major John V. Corbisiero has been decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross at George AFB, Calif., for heroism in military operations in Southeast Asia. His wife, Aileen, is the daughter of Mrs. James Moffitt of Tampa.