35 years ago
NOVEMBER 30, 1967
The Marion Community Guild Christmas Oratorio will be presented Sunday evening at the Marion Municipal Auditorium. Ken Forsyth is director of the oratorio which promises to be excellent.
The death of Dr. Charles R. Magee early Tuesday morning came as a great shock to the entire community and the loss to the area will be one that can never be filled. Three funds have been established locally in his name. One is with the Marion Methodist church, one with the memorial fountain in Central Park, and the other at St. Luke Hospital.
The Marion Warriors, league leading champions of the Cottonwood Valley, placed six players on the mythical all-state 24-man squad picked by loop coaches at their annual meeting held last week at Centre High School. Unanimous selects from Marion were Lester Harlan, 210-pound Marion senior lineman; Dennis Knoblock, 165-pound Marion senior back, and Kerry Domke, 170-pound junior back. Others selected were Charles Pankratz, Steve May, and Jay Woerz, lineman. Honorable mention went to Gary Melcher and John Loney.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Spencer of Florence announce the arrival of a daughter on Friday, Nov. 24, at St. Luke Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds three ounces and has been named Rebecca Kay.
The gigantic tainter gates of Marion Dam which will control water in the Marion Reservoir are now installed and closed.
Anita Schlehuber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schlehuber of Marion, recently reached the semi-finals in competition with 52 others in the Southwest regional singing auditions at Austin, Texas. She is a senior at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia.