35 years ago
The Rex Siebert farm is much more than a farm and cattle ranch. It sends the product of its manufacturing plant to cattle handlers far and near. Last week a Spring-O-Matic livestock table went to Barssolette, France.
Delegates to Sunflower Boys and Sunflower Girls States to be held simultaneously in Lawrence the week of June 7 to 14 are Douglas Keazer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keazer; Brad Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosse B. Case; and Eric Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meyer. Deborra Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Case Jr. and Shelley Batt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Batt are delegates to Sunflower Girls State.
Joni Wiens celebrated her 12th birthday Friday by inviting a number of friends for supper at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiens. Girls present were Kim Duke, Janelle Dreier, Terry Friesen, Shelley Cowan, Kathy Edmunds, Ann Higgins, and Rosanne Edmisson.
Five generations were present Sunday for the 65th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suffield. Mrs. Suffield (seated) is pictured holding her great-great-granddaughter, Stephanie Summerville. Standing beside them are Stephanie's grandfather, Jack Summervill, her great-grandmother, Mrs. Robert Stack, and her father, John R. Summerville.
Gene's DeKalb Seeds team took first in the handicap bowling tournament completed this weekend at MarBowl Lanes. Steve's Vending won the scratch event. Doubles winners were Harvey Sanders and Paul Keazer with Ed Costello and Wilbert Backhus taking scratch honors. Earl Wood was the top handicap bowler in singles.