35 years ago
Collectors items to mark the Florence Centennial are now available for purchase. Items for sale include plates designed by Mrs. Galen Carpenter of Cedar Point which include drawings of an early Santa Fe depot, the mill and dam, Doyle Estate home, oil fields, Santa Fe train, the famous first Harvey House Hotel, the Hill school building and the band stand which stood for many years at the intersection of Fifth and Main streets. Also available at this time is the Centennial coin showing the old Main Street and a history of Florence.
Nathan Ray Smith celebrated his ninth birthday with a party at his home after school May 3rd. Guests were Rocky Kristek, Kevin Jirak, Danny Sherbert, Kim Kline, Paul Loney, Dirk Francis, Greg Boyle, Brad Carlson, Dennis Bernhardt, David Seifert and Mike Richmond.
Tamara Case, whose marriage to J.L. Stone will occur May 21, was honored with a china shower May 5 at the home of Mrs. Roger Morse. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Dean Batt, Mr. R.R. Melton, Mrs. Ed Costello, Mrs. Ray Longhofer, and Mrs. Forrest Smith.
Cheerleaders have been named for the coming year at Florence Junior High School.. Girls selected were the following: Ninth Grade — Gail Bruner, Roxanne Edmisson, Kathy Edmunds, and Nancy Wood; Eighth Grade — Carol Colburn, Cindy Harris, Rhonda Williams, and Julie Zerger; Seventh Grade — Beverly Bezdek, Deana Forsyth, Laurie Harris, and Dana Henry.
Lynn Kleiber, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kleiber of Ramona, went on a singing tour through northern Colorado last week with the 13-member Kaleidoscope vocal ensemble from McPherson College.
Marion people enrolled in the week-long course in emergency training include Linda Ellis, Gerald Harp, Kenneth Vinduska, Dwight Gooding, David Thomas, Jack Applegate, and James H. Bridges.