35 years ago
Workmen were busy this past week applying a hard surface to the north-south runway at Marion Airport. Next operation is to provide runway lights at the airport, making it one of the finest facilities in the area.
Tampa postmaster, Fred Moffitt will retire June 30 after 37 years as postmaster. Until another career postmaster is selected, Evelyn Hensley will serve as clerk in charge.
Rose Marie Loveless, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Henry F. Loveless, will leave soon for Fairbanks, Alaska, where she will teach in the Fairbanks schools during the coming year. She has been working in Denver, Colorado.
Wilbur Razor was honored by city employees and friends June 21 with a retirement party. He was presented with a miniature water tower memento which had been personalized with signatures of all city employees and commissioners.
Major and Mrs. Richard Schwartz and children are spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernhardt. Major Schwartz graduated June 6 from the Marine Corps Command and Staff College at Quantico, Virginia, which he attended the past nine months. He will be stationed in Washington, D.C.
Brenda Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith, celebrated her fifth birthday June 21 with a party at Central Park. Invited guests were Julie and Marsha Gooding, Marie and Melanie Druse, John Brewer, Tim Vinduska, Shelia Meisinger, Brenda's sisters, Valerie and Cerece, and her brother, Nathan.
Shirley Helmer, whose marriage to Gordon Groening will be an event of July 2nd, was honored with a miscellaneous shower June 12 at Eastmoor United Methodist church. Hostesses were Mrs. Francis May, Jeannie May, Mrs. Walter Keazer, and Mrs. John Kline.
The Marion County Vehicle Department had sold 314 motorcycle tags, as of Monday. That is five more tags than were sold during the entire year of 1971. Each year sees an increase of about a hundred additional cycles licensed in the county.