35 years ago
SEPTEMBER 19, 1968
Visitors at the new Marion Reservoir are beginning to notice a new business west of the dam. That business is the Canada Bait and Tackle Shop located in the old Canada school just a half mile north of that town. It is owned by H.J. Groves of Marion. The shop handles a complete line of fishing supplies.
Richard W. Clasen, editor and publisher of the Florence Bulletin and Burns News for the past four years has announced this week that he has purchased the Yates Center News. William Krause, publisher of the Peabody Gazette-Herald has agreed to take control of the two newspapers if no other buyer or leasee is found.
Kenneth Shields, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shields of Lincolnville, won first place in the 4-H tractor operator's contest at the Kansas State Fair. He was one of 31 contestants.
Mrs. Jim Fruechting entertained a group of girls Thursday afternoon in Central Park in honor of her daughter, Sue's, birthday. Those there to help her celebrated were Ann Christensen, Julie Zerger, Khrista Van Buren, Jeanne Koslowsky, Debbie Silhan, Carolyn Decker, Lori Schmidtberger, Mrs. J.B. Miesse and Cindee, and Claire Lynn and Patti Fruechting.
Suzanne Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey of Marion, has been elected treasurer of the senior class at the Stormont-Vail School of Nursing in Topeka.
Aaron Hett, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hett of Lawrence, received a serious eye injury Sept. 10 when he was struck by a rock propelled by a slingshot with which he was playing. Full extent of the injury is not known as yet.
The stage in front of a packed grandstand at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson Saturday night saw the spotlight shared by the Lennon Sisters, Frank Sinatra Jr. and Mary Schubert of Marion and Ramona. Mary, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schubert, is the District 6 Dairy Princess. She was competing for the title of Kansas Dairy Princess. A graduate of Centre High School, Mary is employed as a nurse aid at St. Luke Hospital.