35 years ago
Melinda Hett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hett, was selected Homecoming Queen for Marion High School and was crowned at the homecoming football game Friday night. Teresa Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosse Case, and Becky Wood, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Earl Wood, were attendants.
Arthur Leallen Lewerenz, charged with second degree murder in the death of his wife, Susan Nancy, on July 20, was granted continuance of arraignment Oct. 2 when the October term of district court opened with motion day. The Lewerenz case was set for Nov. 2, with bond continuing.
County highway employees who have been retired during the year were guests of honor and presented with pins at the annual picnic of the department held Monday night in the county lake recreation hall. Those who received pins were Leslie Clark, Peabody, Anton Vinduska, Pilsen, and Reinhart Voth, Goessel.
Louis Wegerer, former Marion football star in high school, is now playing on the K-State freshman squad where he is a defensive end. Tim Wasemiller of Hillsboro was the starting offensive guard, and David Livingston of El Dorado was starting Wildcat quarterback.
Explorer Post 102 participated in a fishing contest at Quivira Scout Ranch Saturday and placed high in the competition. Mike Ewert was first overall with 552 points and Daryl Enos was second with a total of 263 points.
Jonie Deines was crowned queen at halftime ceremonies Friday night during the Centre-Peabody football contest. She was escorted by Jeff Commerford. Other candidates for queen were Beverly Backhus, Glenda Fike, Rosie Bina and Jayne Kleiber.
Leonard Pettit has taken the Produce Derby green thumb award away from his neighbor, Ike Klein. Leonard brought in a 4 pound 2 1/2 ounce sweet potato grown in his garden.