35 years ago
OCTOBER 16, 1969
Earl Morse and Ralph Mathews, City of Marion employees, were honored last week when they were presented 25-year service pins by Mayor Lynn Christensen. Each man received a special certificate marking his quarter century of faithful service and also an attractive pin. Harlow Warneke was recognized for 10 years service with the volunteer fire department.
After five years of correspondence, Mrs. Rex Wilson has met her pen pal, Mrs. Peter Pronger of Bexley, England, who arrived Saturday to be a houseguest of the Wilsons until the women have a good visit, and Mrs. Pronger sees some of the local sights.
Pete Keenan, former basketball coach at Marion High School, has resigned his position as employment supervisor with Hesston Corporation. After October 17 he will be divisional personnel manager with the Nash Finch Co. at Grand Island, Neb.
Mrs. Harold Keazer was guest of honor Sunday at a birthday dinner at Kingfisher's Inn. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keazer and Doug, Jeanne Keazer of Emporia, Mrs. Ralph Dohner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keazer, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoover.
Joella Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Smith, invited several little girl friends in after school Monday evening to help her celebrate her sixth birthday. Ice cream bars and cupcakes were served to Loraine and Loreen Wiens, Melissa Robinson, Jeanean Dreier, and Joella's sister, Jalynn.
Rose Marie Loveless sailed from New York Friday aboard the USS United States for a few weeks in Europe sightseeing, traveling, and visiting. Miss Loveless completed an enlistment in the military service late in the summer and is spending a few months headquartering at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Loveless while she does some long-planned traveling.
Three Marion High School seniors, Roger Jackson, Vince Tharp, and Stan Hett, reported on Boys State activities last spring at the Marion Kiwanis Club meeting on Monday.