35 years ago

nOVEMBER 19, 1970

County Health Officer PD. Ens, M.D., has announced that approximately 1,300 children in Marion County were immunized against Rubella (German measles) at the clinics held in Marion and Hillsboro November 12 and 13.

Three young men drew fines in County Court Monday when they pleaded guilty to charges of having and using bombs on November 11 at Hillsboro. The fourth offender, a juvenile, will be in juvenile court on the same matter.

Stephen Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant, celebrated his 12th birthday Sunday afternoon with a skating party in El Dorado. Guests were Brook Beaston, David Colburn, Lawrence Ford, Jim Hoch, Greg Regier, Bob Robinson, Steve Smith, Steve Williams. Steven's brother David, and twin sisters, Jan and Ann.

James Donahue, Richards Dirks and Wendell Dirks represented Donahue Manufacturing at the Farm Equipment Wholesalers Association convention in Chicago last week. The Donahue delegation spent the week promoting the distribution of Donahue products and discussing existing business relations.

Four Marion High School football players placed on the Cottonwood Valley League all-league team. They are Louis Wegerer, junior tackle; Doug Kelsey, senior back; Mark Applegate, senior guard; and John Anderson, senior tackle. Honorable mention went to Bill Finke, junior quarterback, and Doug Keazer, senior cornerback and wide receiver.

Gwydetta Herbel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Herbel of Hillsboro, is one of 23 candidates at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, for the title of "best dressed coed." Miss Herbel is a freshman at KSTC.
