35 years ago
NOVEMBER 28, 1968
The annual Marion Chamber of Commerce "Farm-City" dinner was another big success last Thursday night with over 480 men present to enjoy generous charcoal cooked steaks. Entertainment was provided by the "Swing Singers" of Marion High School under the direction of Kenneth Forsyth and by students of Mary Ann's School of Dance, directed by Mary Ann Kohls.
Sherri Vogel and Diane Case had a hayrack ride and party Friday evening at the Dale Vogel home. Girls present were Debra and Dana Edmisson, Gayle Hannaford, Martha Beaston, Sharon Anderson, Kathy Kelsey, Alice Gantz, Sue Woerz, and Ruth Endres. Debbie Vogel assisted with the party.
Cathy Coe, a high school junior from Marion, received a $25 bond for her entry in the annual Kansas Cowbelles Cook-off Saturday at Kansas State University. Eight other girls competed in the state contest sponsored by the Kansas Cowbelles Association to promote the beef industry in Kansas.
It's not often that brothers join the service and stay together, but this is just what Terry and Daniel Holub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holub of Marion, have done. The boys enlisted in the Navy and are taking their boot training at San Diego, California.
Linda Fike, bride-elect of Dan Peterson, was the honored guest Saturday evening at a bridal shower at the Ramona Grade School. Hostesses were Mesdames Kenneth Fike, Lauren Bruner, Martin Schubert, Henry Schubert, Vernon Deines, and Mervin Deines.
Members of the Hospital Division of Community Guild were hosts at an Awards Tea Nov. 14 in the former sisters' convent. Punch and cookies were served to 13 mothers and 16 Candy Stripers. Charles Halls, hospital administrator, presented pins to the following girls, all of whom worked 100 hours or more: Kathryn Bezdek, Pam Griffith, Cathy Coe, Debbie Case, Lucinda Jost, Brenda Helmer, Vickie Klassen, Janet Lawrence, Sue Wood, Betty Linn, Rose Goentzel, and Anita Hett.