35 years ago
JANUARY 1, 1970
The annual Youngtown coyote hunt will be held New Year's Day on Thursday, with the event scheduled to start at 10 a.m. The event is an annual tradition of many years standing.
Of major importance to the entire area is news this week that Charles Phillips of Wichita has decided to move his camper trailer manufacturing firm from Newton to Marion. Mr. Phillips estimates he will be manufacturing trailers in Marion by February 1st.
Warren Vogel of Wichita, formerly of Marion, was named assistant vice president of the Kansas State Bank and Trust Company this week. He has been assistant cashier since July 1968.
Police officers in this area report a regular "rash of crashes" over the weekend, with most caused by slippery roads. Drizzle fell Saturday and snow followed early Monday morning creating dangerous conditions on the roadways.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meisinger announce the arrival of their first child, a son, on Dec. 28 at St. Luke Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and has been named Mark Wayne.
Miss Anita Johnson and Ensign Donald Westerhaus, whose wedding occurred Saturday at Grace United Methodist Church, Des Moines, Iowa, were honored at a rehearsal dinner Friday evening at Michael's Restaurant in Des Moines. Hosts were the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Westerhaus of Marion.
Members of the Marion Christian Church hosted a reception Sunday evening to honor their minister and wife, Rev. and Mrs. Oscar T. Moline, who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Miss Maude Thompson was in charge of the arrangements.
Elective officers for Marion Chapter #278, Order of Eastern Star, for 1970 are as follows: Ruth Fisher, worthy matron; Harold Bowers, worthy patron; Wilma Christensen, associate matron; Jack Highsmith, associate patron; Nettie Rittel, secretary; Lydia Jarvis, treasurer; Jessie Bowers, conductress; and Dalene Tharp, associate conductress.