35 years ago
april 15, 1971
Two performances of the PTA home talent play, "Curtain Time," written and directed by Mrs. Bill (Jean) Holmes, will be presented April 26 and 27 in Marion Municipal Auditorium. Characters in the play will be played by several school teachers plus a number of local residents.
Mrs. Dale (Eunice) Christensen has completed a medical record clerk's course at Salina. Mrs. Christensen is the medical records librarian at St. Luke Hospital in Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Seifert celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at 2 p.m. April 11 at Strassburg Baptist Church.
Forty-one members and friends of the Over 50 Club met in the city building April 6 for a covered dish luncheon. "The Turtlenecks," a combo comprised of Sharon and Joni Kroupa and Gary Holub entertained the group on the piano, cornet, accordion and drums.
Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith of Lawrence announce the birth of their first child, a daughter Michele Tamson, on April 10 at Lawrence Memorial Hospital.
Staff Sergeant Jim Ottensmeier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levern Ottensmeier and a graduate of Marion High School with the class of 1966, has re-enlisted for another four year tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force. His new assignment will be at Forbes AFB, Topeka. He is married to the former JoAnn Looney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Looney of Florence. They have two children, Michael 19 months and Tami Renee, one month old.
Officer Paul Behrendt, who has retired from full-time police duties, received a certificate of appreciation Monday afternoon from the Marion City Commission. The certificate was presented to him in recognition of services faithfully rendered to the community for a period of nine years. Officer Earl Pankratz was appointed to fill the vacancy created by Behrendt's retirement.