35 years ago
april 29, 1971
Mrs. Minnie Spain will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the Spain Guest Home in Marion Sunday when she invites the public to a big open house celebration from 2 to 5 p.m. Refreshments will be served and musical entertainment will be provided by the "Blue Aces" Bohemian orchestra from Pilsen.
Linda Loney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Loney, Marion, was one of 92 seniors elected to the University of Kansas chapter of Phi Beta Kappa this spring.
Hilltop Manor, Marion's new 28 unit low rent housing complex for the elderly is nearing completion. Located at the east edge of town, the units will be ready for occupancy sometime during the month of May if current progress is maintained.
James Ryan of Florence was in attendance Sunday when the Ryan Memorial Library was dedicated on the campus of Sacred Heart College, Wichita. The library was named in honor of the Ryan family. Mr. Ryan was one of the principal benefactors of the library, made possible with funds left by his late sisters, Annie and Nellie, who asked that their estates be used for charitable purposes.
The Lakeside Square Dance Club enjoyed a potluck supper at the lake hall Sunday evening. The host committee included Mr. and Mrs. Ira Penner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Riffel.
Roxanne M. Hague, Marion, a sophomore at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, was elected as a student senator representing students who have not declared a major field. Roxanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard W. Hague.
Mrs. Lowell Socolofsky entertained with a supper Thursday evening in honor of her daughter Rita's 11th birthday. Guests were Mary Kay Waner, Barbara Costello, Paula Vinduska, Carol Ehrlich, Adah McGranor, Gail Regier and Gina Socolofsky.