35 years ago
june 18, 1970
Construction will be started soon on a new modern fire-resistant building on Marion Main street. It will house the Case & Son Insurance Agency and the Hannaford Abstract Company. The builder is Jost Construction of Marion. Located where the former Case & Son agency building was burned down about 18 months ago, the new structure will actually be two distinct buildings, but will give the appearance of one.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawrence of Marion were the winners of the free Vagabond Weekend contest this week. Mr. Lawrence had registered at the Marion National Bank.
A mobile home at Marion County Lake was deemed a total loss by the insurance company following last Thursday night's storm which demolished the weekend home of Micky Maddox of Wichita. The mobile home of Wayne Carnahan of Valley Center also was damaged at the lake as was the mobile home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Waudby, operators of the Marion Municipal Airport, at the airport.
Eight girls of Girl Scout Troop 62 received their coveted first class badges Sunday morning following church services. They were camped at Spring Lake on the Marion Reservoir. The girls were Teresa Case, Lisa Holmes, Dorothy Lentz, Debbie Link, Jo Marie Mueller, Cathy Newlin, Karen Pankratz, and Jeannie Widler.
Registrants at the office of the Selective Service System in Marion during the month of May included the following men: Michael Howard Goering, Randy Gene Sawyer, Edward Lynn Belton, Harvey Lee Grosse, Craig Douglas Matz, Eric Roger Moore, and Steven Frederick Hanschu.