35 years ago
The schedule this Saturday for Old Settlers' Day in Marion is a full one, with many interesting events planned. Speaker at the afternoon program will be General John Hill, who served in World War I, World War II, Korea, and has twice been to Vietnam. The evening entertainment will feature the Flint Hills Barbershop Chorus from Emporia. Max Dunn, formerly of Marion, is a member of the chorus.
The Marion Presbyterian Church, celebrating its centennial year, will bring the observance of its anniversary to a fitting climax Sunday when a round of activities is scheduled. The festival will be an all day event.
Kingfisher's Inn at Marion County Park and Lake was nearly lost to a fire of undetermined origin Friday morning. Except for the alert action of Mrs. Cecil Post and quick response by members of the Marion Volunteer Fire Department the final ending to the story might have been different. Mr. and Mrs. Post hope to have the restaurant back in operation within about two weeks.
The Marion Warriors have been ranked eighth in Kansas among 2A schools according to The Wichita Eagle.
Paramount Studio representatives are staying in the Dawson tenant house in Elmdale while shooting footage of Elmdale landmarks including footage of the Elmdale high school and Carrie Wood's old house.
Marilee McGinness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGinness of rural Marion, has been selected as a semifinalist in the 1971-72 National Merit Scholarship Program, according to Gordon Wakeman, Marion High School principal.
In observance of the 100th year anniversary of the Tharp Homestead, a family reunion was held Sunday, Sept. 19, at the home of Max and Dalene Tharp of the Aulne community.
Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Eitzen of Hillsboro presented an interesting and informational program at the annual Community Guild banquet held Sept. 14 in the Marion Municipal Building. Slides of the Eitzens' recent trip to Russia were shown by Dr. Eitzen while his wife explained the events of their trip and identified the photos. Mrs. Earl Mueller and Mrs. Harold Conyers, general chairmen for the banquet, announced that 170 guests were present.