50 years ago

JANUARY 22, 1953

The Kansas State Society of Long Beach, Calif., will hold its "Kansas Admissions Day picnic" Jan. 25 in Bixby Park. There will be a register for all 105 counties and tables for counties may be reserved if desired.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Beaston have moved their market and grocery into the building they recently purchased, the Winchester building, across Main street from their former location. The new room gives their store much better display facilities. The building which they vacated will be torn down. The space, together with the sites of two ancient buildings recently razed, will be used by Gound Motor Co. as a display lot.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Case entertained at dinner Sunday evening in honor of their granddaughter, Tammy, who was two years old Sunday. Other guests were her grandmother, Mrs. Alex Socolofsky, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rosse B. Case.

Patsy Rae Hett, a junior at St. Joseph Hospital, Wichita, is now confined to her bed for an indefinite time at the Wichita hospital where she is being treated for infectious hepatitis.

The Marion Methodist church was the scene Jan. 17 when Juanita Jo, popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford, became the bride of Carl Stovall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stovall, Florence.

R.J. Bateman, Laverne Hoffman, Vernon Bowers, and John and Max Hayen were among those who attended the Chrysler Corporation display in Wichita Wednesday.

The official opening last Friday and Saturday of the new Wingerd's IGA market on East Main, drew large and highly complimentary crowds both days, according to the owners and IGA officials. The store embodies all the latest ideas of food market design and construction. A picture in this issue shows K.C. Winder, Mrs. Earl Rogers, and Miss Ola Yost at the check-out stations on opening day.
