50 years ago

JANUARY 10, 1952

A business transaction of more than local interest was consummated this week when Orville Miesse sold one half interest in his Marion Livestock Sales and Commission Company to Wayne Ward of Elmdale and J.L. Fruechting of Aulne.

Rita Jeanne Jirak was born Jan. 1, 1952, at 5:20 a.m. at the Hillsboro hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jirak of Tampa and will receive awards for the first New Year baby girl. Edward Paul Reznicek was born at 11:55 a.m. to Mr. and Mrs. John Reznicek, Lost Springs, at the Marion hospital as the first 1952 baby boy.

Karen Brodhead, Diana Herbert, and Shirley Tiemeier have recently received certificates from the National High School Poetry Association. Their poems, which were written for English assignments, will be published in the annual Anthology of High School Poetry.

Carolyn Merrill, saxophone player, and John Childs, trombonist, have been invited to play with the Neosho Youth Symphony with practice every Saturday. Carolyn is a freshman and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Merrill, John, a sophomore, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Childs. Both are Marion High School students.

Sgt. Harold Conyers, who has been home for the past two weeks, will leave Friday for Seattle, Wash., where he will await further orders.

The English classes at Wren school have organized a "Jolly News Club" which meets every Monday morning to write news for the Record-Review. Officers are Zona Kelsey, president; Carol Weyand, secretary; Darrell Riffel, treasurer; Barbara Yeagley, proofreader; Dean Klenda, recreation; Richard Vogel, song leader; Bobby Eckstrom, door keeper; Fred Eckstrom, program chairman; Juanita Kelsey and Deanna Klenda, Monitor chairmen.
