50 years ago
JANUARY 19, 1953
Navy Captain Julian Greer, Marion, is reported to have been the commanding officer aboard the four-engine Navy Privateer patrol bomber that is missing on a flight from Alameda, Calif., to Seattle. Search boats and planes have failed so far to find any trace of the missing bomber or the four officers and six enlisted men aboard.
Eight Marion High School students ended the first semester with straight "A's" on their scholastic record. Topping the list that included 52 names were senior Myron Jantz, juniors Nancy Broadstreet, Pat Kruse, and Marilyn Reh, and sophomores Carolyn Merrill, Rowena Olsen, Janet Priddle, and John Williams.
Mary Burnett, now a corporal in the WACS and stationed at Belvoir, Va., was in the inaugural parade last Tuesday and got a real thrill out of the experience. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burnett of Marion. She enlisted in the WACS about two years ago.
The new Eddy Arnold Show is now on ABC on Saturday nights. It is brought to you by your Purina Dealer, which in Marion is Seymour Packing Company.
Mrs. Alex Case, Mrs. Scotty Gound, Mrs. Olive Hoffman, Mrs. Norma Hannaford, Miss Clara Duncan, and Mrs. Wallis Hoch attended the Fred Waring concert Wednesday evening in Emporia.
The marriage vows of Miss Edna Rhode, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rhode, Tampa, and Paul Backhus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Backhus, Tampa, were exchanged Sunday evening, Jan. 26, in St. John's Lutheran Church, Tampa.
A district youth conference was held last weekend at the Christian church in Herington. Those from here who attended were Marilyn Cook, Jeanette Russell, LeNore Wheeler, Phyllis Thies, Nancy Allen, Thelma Seibel, and Nora Conyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sly visited their son, Cpl. Kenneth Sly, over the weekend at his base, Ft. Campbell, near Clarksville, Tenn.