50 years ago

MARCH 5, 1953

Tune your radios to KSAC between 4:30 and 5 Tuesday afternoon when a group of students from Marion High School will broadcast a program over that station. A group of 25 students under the direction of Kenneth Swanson will give an informative broadcast telling about our school and town and using a number of musical numbers as interludes throughout the program. Be sure and listen.

Pfc. Marvin Wunsch writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wunsch, that he is spending a five day rest period in Japan from the fighting in Korea. He has been in overseas action for almost a year now, having arrived in Korea in March 1952.

The Marion vo-ag chapter poultry and crop judging team attended the South Central Kansas judging contest last week in Peabody. Boys attending were Dwight Kruse, Howard Stenzel, Bill Hammer, Ronnie Post, John Waner, Joe Dvorak, Jack Richmond, John Summervill, Ronald Herbel, Dwight Fruechting, Duane Fruechting, and adviser Mr. Stevens.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collett, Marjory, Roma, Stephen, and Mark were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collett of Topeka. All went on to Kansas City where Marjory entered Mercy Hospital for additional nurse training.

Wayne and Barbara Christensen were Friday overnight guests of Billy and Ruby Ann Winkley and helped Ruby Ann celebrate her seventh birthday on Saturday.

Marion County's Rural Life group will be represented at the mid-winter conference in Manhattan this week by Lois Schmidt, Mary Ann Thiessen, Max Dunn and Roger Hett of Marion, and Bill Spinden of Burns.

Mrs. Agnes Price and Ginger entertained Maurice Hollar, Don Ecker, and Shirley Tiemeier for dinner Sunday evening as a going-away courtesy for the boys who left Tuesday for the Navy base at San Diego.
