50 years ago

MARCH 12, 1953

R. Wm. Wygle, at present superintendent of schools at Peru, Kansas, has accepted the position of principal at Marion High School for the 1953-54 term. He fills the vacancy caused by the moving of Erle Volkland to Neodesha.

Fifth grade girls in Girl Scout Troop 3 cooked a fine dinner as part of their training for second class badges, then proceeded to enjoy it. Scouts participating were Margie Winter, Joyce Remmers, Janice Weber, Elizabeth Martinez, Lou Esther Wheeler, Jan Rathert, Lucinda Hauser, Anita Gleason, Mary Lou Schmidt, Bess Haizlip, Karen Shull, Ruth Muck, Doris Hedrick, Deana Gleason, and Sue Ann Bratton.

Friends in Marion who remember Catherine Nell Propp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Propp, Wichita, will be interested in the news that she was chosen basketball queen at St. Benedict College, Atchison.

The Squires of Pilsen entered the state Squire basketball tournament March 7 and 8 in Wichita and walked away with the second place trophy. Pilsen is the smallest and youngest circle in the state. Players were Florian Krch, Lester Franta, Lester Tajchman, Larry Steiner, Robert Jirak, Marion Jirak, and Robert Klenda. The team was coached and managed by Leonard Navrat.

Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Rathert, Marion, are the parents of a son born March 2 at St. Luke Hospital whom they have named Mark. The little boy has a sister, Jan, 10 years old.

Sarabel Wolf, a student at Cottey College, Nevada, Mo., was a guest at the Pi Phi house in Manhattan Friday evening for a rush party. She came down and spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolf.

Mrs. Virgil Wiebe was honoree at a supper and pink and blue shower Monday evening given by Mrs. Leslie Wiebe. The following ladies were present: Mrs. W. Wangerin, Mrs. Ray Hansen and Susan, Mrs. Joe Hein, Mrs. Herb Kline, Mrs. Dan Longhofer, Mrs. Harry Propp, and Mrs. D.D. Longhofer.
