50 years ago
APRIL 23, 1953
Construction was started early this week on a new home for the chaplain of St. Luke Hospital, located west of the hospital on the south side of the grounds. After the chaplain's house is completed, a nurses' home will begin. It will be located on the north side of the grounds and will accommodate 15 nurses, according to Sister M. Ferdinand, hospital director.
The cast for the annual senior class play has been announced this week. The play, "Bells on Their Toes," is a sequel to last year's play, "Cheaper by the Dozen." In the cast are Theodora Longhofer, Anita Collett, Shirley Tiemeier, Genny Krch, Mike Brodhead, Jay Fisher, Peggy Hayward, Dean Williams, Gerald Tajchman, John Summervill, Pauline Minear, Myron Jantz, Don Burkholder, Nancy Allen, Dwight Fruechting, David Wheeler, Duane Fruechting, and Ronald Hiebert. Mrs. Loris Reed will direct.
Mrs. Clarence Bentz, Durham, has received notice this week that she has been awarded first prize in a nationwide contest conducted by Motion Picture magazine. The contest was to write 50 words or less telling "I like Tony Curtis because
The ninth birthday of Deanna Kay Klenda was celebrated Sunday when her mother invited a number of her little friends to a dinner party. Guests were Mary Jo and Sharon Klenda, Nancy Lou Vinduska, Nancy Klenda, Mary Theresa Konarik, Phyllis Stika, Rosalie Stika, Karen Dvorak, Claudine Tajchman, Doris Holub, Mary Agnes Bina, Theresa Stika, Elaine and Carol Reznicek, Kathleen Klenda, and Betty Blaes, Wichita.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts held a farewell family dinner Sunday afternoon and evening for their son, LeRoy, who left April 22 for the armed services.