50 years ago

OCTOBER 16, 1952

Service pins, given by the Kansas League of Municipalities, were presented to longtime Marion city employees last week. Mayor Ben Meier and commissioners George Miser and Philip Stenzel presented the pins to James Blackim, retired power plant superintendent, 40 years; Clarence Baxter, public utilities foreman, 10 years; and Jake Hein, custodian of the city building, 10 years.

A number of band members from the high school went to Emporia Saturday where they began rehearsals at Emporia State College for the Neosho Valley Emporia Youth Symphony Orchestra. The students are John Childs, Kay Navrat, LaVerne Hoffman, Carolyn Merrill, Pat Kruse, Judy Thatch, Lenore Wheeler, and Karen Brodhead.

Mrs. Roger Morse and daughter Jean entertained last Thursday evening after school for Christine Herbert, who left Sunday with her parents to live in Stafford. Games were played and supper was served to Christine, Charlotte and Helen Langley, Mary Melton, Mary Stevens, Anita Schlehuber, Judy Richards, and Shirley Love.

Friends of Mrs. Marvin Lee, Wichita, have been asked for a shower honoring her at the home of Mrs. Tommy Thompson with Mrs. Robert Lee and Mrs. Edson Childs assisting.

The committee for the first Country Club dance of the season has engaged the popular Stardusters orchestra for the affair which will be held Oct. 25 at the clubhouse. Committee members are Mr. and Mrs. Rosse Case, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Costello, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Tidwell, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morgan, and Mr. and Mrs. Scottie G. Gound.

Kansas football fans will be interested in the announcement that the Santa Fe is running a special train to the KU-Oklahoma game at Lawrence this Saturday. The train may be boarded at Peabody at 8:40 a.m. and will return through here at 9:10 p.m. Round trip fare is $7.48.
