50 years ago

JUNE 18, 1953

The first load of wheat brought into the Marion Elevator came in Monday afternoon and surprisingly enough was of good test and quality for such early combining. It was Early Triumph brought in by Nemesius Tajchman, who lives a mile and a half northeast of Youngtown.

Max Merrill left Saturday for Canon City, Colo., where he will study the next five weeks at the geology field camp of the University of Kansas. Max will be a senior next year in the School of Geology at KU.

Girls in the 1953 graduating class had a shower at the home of Nancy Allen Friday evening for Peggy Hayward, one of their number. Those present included the honoree and Frances Seibel, Pauline Minear, Thelma Jean Seibel, Anita Collett, Shirley Stenzel, Theodora Longhofer, Genevieve Krch, Leola Druse, and the hostess.

Several young ladies left Wednesday evening for Rockaway Beach, Mo., where they will vacation until Sunday. They are Georgene Tajchman, Jean Herbel, Deloris Bezdek, Betty Holub, Barbara Jirak, and Rosemary Vlk.

Patsy Rae Hett asked a number of her friends for ice cream and cake Friday evening to help celebrate her birthday which occurred on Tuesday. Guests were Norma Sly, Donna Miesse, Joyce Keazer, Mrs. Glenn Conyers, Mrs. Marion Hett, Mrs. Kenneth Conyers of Emporia, Mrs. Everett Conquest of Wichita, and Mrs. Billy York of Kansas City.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Coe are the parents of a baby boy born Sunday, June 14, weighing 8 pounds. They have named the baby George Andrew. The Coes have two daughters, Becky and Cathy.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Sly received word the first of the week that their son, Corporal Kenneth Sly, who had taken part in the special demonstration put on May 28 by the 88th Airborne Battalion from Fort Campbell, Ky., at Fort Bliss, had to undergo surgery on his knee which was injured in the landing.
