50 years ago
JUNE 25, 1953
KTVH Hutchinson, Kansas' first video outlet, is on the air. All reports of local set owners say that the station is coming in "loud and clear" (both sound and sight). Reception here actually is perfect.
A 1941 Ford belonging to Jerry Brose took the hot weather to heart Tuesday evening and went for a swim in the Country Club pool. The car coasted over the bank unattended into 9 feet of water a little before 7 p.m. and was recovered a few minutes later by the Cook Motor Co. wrecker.
Ginger Price, Janet Holub, Karen Brodhead, and Marlys Rupp enjoyed camping out near the Rupp home on their farm northwest of town last week from Wednesday until Saturday.
After extensive negotiations, a decision was reached this week between Marion and Peabody high schools changing the date of the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game. Beginning this fall, the games will be played on the Friday evening before Thanksgiving instead of that day as it was for many years.
Henry Holub and Pete Schambron and daughter Carol Jean went to Ponca City Sunday on their motorcycles and attended the motorcycle races there in the afternoon.
Several young folks from the intermediate department of the Marion Methodist Church, accompanied by Rev. Dean Gleason and Jimmy Newton, went to Camp Webster, near Salina, for a five day camp, arriving home Thursday. Youth going were Robert Melton, Junior Post, Paul Schmersey, Bill Meredith, Tommy and Jerry Shirley, Junior Wiebe, Dick Rittel, Johnsie Belle Just and Jan Blackwelder.
Mrs. Mary Bernhardt announces the engagement of her daughter, Verla Mae, to Mr. James Cott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cott, Lincolnville. The wedding date will be announced later.
Miss Maude Thompson and Miss Edith Greer expect to leave Tuesday for New York City where they will take work at Columbia University this summer.