50 years ago
AUGUST 21, 1952
Allan Risinger, Marion County extension service agent, has resigned as of Sept. 15 in order to take over a new position as manager of the Peabody Milling Company at Peabody. He will have charge of the Marion County operations of the firm owned by Nelson Poe, which also includes the Florence elevator.
Melvin Weems, 14, Peabody, was take to St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, Aug, 12 suffering from polio. No report has been received at the county health office regarding his condition.
New members of the Sub Deb Club performed stunts at the Aug. 13 meeting of the club. The new members are Janet Holub, Ginger Price, Marilyn Reh, Vera Remmers, Clarice Collett, Karen Brodhead, Donna Williams, Carol Jean Schambron, Nancy Burkholder, and Joan Kline. Following the stunts, a slumber party was held at the Country Club. Sponsors were Jean Hagans and Mrs. LeRoy McDaris and daughter Jeanette.
The engagement of Nora Marie Zeller, daughter of Dannie Zeller, to Pfc. Kenneth Conyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conyers of Lingle, Wyoming, is announced. The wedding will be an event of the fall season.
Max Merrill was host to a group of young folks at the Merrill place at the lake Friday evening. Those present included Donna Hobein and her guest Neil Lilley of Kansas City, Patsy Harris, Pat Brose, and Charles Hiebert of Hillsboro.
Lt. Ed Wheeler, his wife, and little son visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wheeler over the weekend. Lt. Wheeler will complete his army service Sept. 1 and plans to reenter Washburn Law School. They went to Topeka Monday, leaving the small son here with his grandparents while they are redecorating their apartment in Topeka.
Marilyn Hayen was in Council Grove Saturday where she signed a contract to teach kindergarten this winter.