50 years ago
mes in Marion is that of Dr. and Mrs. E.K. Schroeder and sons at 520 Locust. It is a modern two level home at the end of the street overlooking the wide valley to the northwest. The Schroeders moved into their new home two weeks before Christmas. Bill Buethe was the builder.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conyers are nearing the time when they will have a formal opening of their new greenhouse and nursery, located just off South Lincoln Street on Maple. The opening is planned for early in April.
Ezra's Dairy Queen in Marion will open for business this Friday, according to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Schimpf, owners. The Dairy Queen has been closed during the cold months, but will now be officially open for spring and the warm months ahead.
Marion lumber yards are having a mild boom in 2x2s these days as more and more school kids join the stilts parade — an activity that periodically catches the fancy of the growing fry. Pictured on the front page on their stilts are Tuck Tucker, Jerry Domke, Jim Washburn, Jerry Loveless, John Webster, Laurence Webster, and Tom Good.
Shelly Hett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hett, celebrated her fifth birthday Monday by inviting the girls in her neighborhood for an afternoon party. Those who enjoyed the games, opening of gifts and refreshments included Coleen White, Sandra Richter, Becky Vadnais and Jan Weaver. Davy Weaver, although a little younger, enjoyed the afternoon with the girls. Shelly's two-months-old sister, Theresa Renee, received a great deal of attention and petting.