50 years ago

APRIL 1, 1954

In another of those acts of neighborly friendship, the men of around Aulne gathered at the Tom Hett farm last Friday and put on a one-day "shed raising," replacing the granary and cattle shed that recently was destroyed by fire. The brand new building 24x56 was built on the old foundation and was completely restored that day.

Mrs. Loris Reed accompanied a group of Marion High School speech students to Wichita Saturday where they participated in the district speech festival at North High School. The one-act play, "The Valiant," given here some time ago, was presented and received a superior rating by the judge. The cast was composed of Don Kline, Ronnie Post, Jerry Griffin, John Childs, John Williams and Karen Brodhead.

Ross O. Estes, Marion High School football and track coach for the past year announce this week that he had accepted an offer from McPherson High School to become head football coach there next season.

The largest flock of geese seen here in many years stayed at the lake several days the last of the week. Most everyone enjoyed seeing them but Albert Zeller. They seemed to think his oats field particularly attractive and he says they cleaned every spear along one side of the road.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pecinovsky, Tampa, are the parents of a son born March 26 at St. Luke Hospital, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces. They have named him Frankie Mark.

"Spring's Coming" was the theme for the dinner and fashion show put on Thursday evening by the Home Economics department at the high school. Their guests were members of the school board and their wives, administrators and faculty members. The girls in the foods classes prepared the dinner and served it. They were Margie Bernhardt, Judy Cogdill, Mary Lou Conyers, Pat Dixon, Mary Herzet, Lowene Hiebert, Maxine Hinz, Jean Kline, Pat Kruse, Johnsie Just, Lois Maltbie, Betty Mathews, Margaret McClain, Elda Pankratz, Joyce Pientka, Deloris Reed and Delores Schafers.
