50 years ago

Stanley Anderson, well-known Marion man, was elected commander of the Marion post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in their regular election held Thursday night at the club house here. Others elected were: Chester McKibbin, senior vice-commander; Chas. Heerey, junior vice-commander; Howard Foth, quartermaster; Lawrence Gilbert, post advocate; C.R. Magee, post surgeon; Max Tharp, chaplain; E.D. Longhofer, Al Ollenberger and Carl Elling, house committee.

Joe W. Dvorak and Ronald Hett of Marion were among the top winners at the Wichita Fat Barrow Show last Friday. Hett took top place in the producers grading contest and Dvorak took first in the adult heavyweight division.

The all-new and remodeled Holcom-Cook Furniture and Appliance Center will hold its grand opening next Wednesday, inviting all to stop in and take a look at the greatly expanded business. Walter Oelschlager is the store manager. In addition to Holcom and Oelschlager, George King will work in the sales department, Gary Carlson from Clay Center will be the new service manager and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cather will have charge of the floor covering department.

The following births are announced in this issue: a daughter, Carla Jo, was born March 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stovall of Alva, Okla.; a daughter, Hollyce Ann, born March 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sly of Nevada, Iowa; a daughter, Gina Mary, born March 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Newcomb of Wichita; and a son, James Eric, born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bredemeier of Marion.

Mrs. Francis Murphy of Tampa entertained with a skating party at Herington Saturday evening for her son, Tommy's birthday. The 7th and 8th grade students were invited. Those attending were LeRoy Schwartzman, Leon Mueller, Margie Beisel, L.J., J. Francis and Leo Bezdek, Elaine Stry, Joleen Commerford, Francis Jirak, Loretta Moffitt, Rosaline Keller, Judy Novak, Warren Vajnar, and his teacher, John Kleiber.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCartney, proprietors of the Marion Pharmacy for the past several years, are planning on returning to Eureka, their former home.
