50 years ago

MAY 20, 1954

Jay Hargett was master of ceremonies at the whisker and old dress judging contests held May 13 in conjunction with the Kansas centennial parade. Bill Richardson was judged as having the most unusual beard; Harry House, the longest; R.G.. Kohler, Lincolnville, beard with most color; H.E. Heiser, Tampa, Karl Frobenius, Lincolnville, Reuben Winter, Walter DeWitt, Everett Burkhead, Harry Byram and Orlan Carroll, half a beard. Mrs. Kate McLinden and Mrs. Sylvester Vinduska tied for first for oldest dress. Both were 100 years old.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Batt entertained members of the office force of the Hannaford Abstract company at their home for a buffet dinner Friday evening. Slides of past events in Marion and some interesting pictures which Jack Beaston had taken in Japan were shown. Those present were Mrs. Norma Hannaford, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Good, Mr. and Mrs. Beaston, Miss Vinnie Wible and Miss Donna Stenzel.

The Priscilla Club voted to spend $25 for redbud trees to be planted in the city park. A committee composed of Mrs. Jacob Siebert, Mrs. Gordon Wolf and Mrs. Ira Newcomer was appointed to confer with the city commission and get the trees planted.

Thirty-eight Marion High School seniors left by bus and car Monday morning for a three-day vacation at Osage Beach in the Ozarks of Missouri. They were accompanied by D.B. Jantz, Mr. and Mrs. Rosse Estes, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Williams and Henry Collett.

Rev. G. Carol Gilbert, Emporia, will arrive next week as the new pastor of the Evangelical U.B. churches in Marion and at Youngtown.

Residents along Highway 77 got a reminder of the war last week when a portion of the 37th Infantry Division passed through on its way to Fort Riley.

Members of the eighth grade and their sponsors, A.W. Haizlip and Leonard Sterling, went to Wichita Tuesday and spent the day visiting points of interest. They went through the Steffens ice cream plant, Bond bakery, the Wichita museum and visited Joyland Park before returning home in the evening.
