50 years ago

AUGUST 25, 1954

Several real estate transfers of considerable importance occurred during the past few days. The Bill Ward Agency reports the sale of the Leo Brose property on East Main to Gail Merrill. The Dick Cook property on North Elm was purchased by Wayne Colle. It also was handled by the Ward Agency. The Badger Lumber Co. was sold, but the buyer is not as yet ready to reveal his identity. Another sale of interest was the purchase of the Randolph Carpenter home on North Third by Roger Morse.

Jeanette Russell, Marion, wasn't present Monday night at the Kaw Theatre cash night to collect $160. Next Monday night's jackpot will be $175.

A number of young folks enjoyed a picnic and get-together Sunday evening at Wolf's cottage at the lake in honor of Tim Burkholder who is visiting here from New York. Present were Dorothy Sandwell, Janean Brose, Sarabel Wolf, Betty Young, Topeka, Tim Burkholder, Kerns Allen, Dennis Youk, Jim Garrison and Bob Reinke.

Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Tiemeier announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley, to Jerry Tuell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Tuell. The date of the wedding will be announced later.

A group of Marion scouts are enjoying an outing at the Colorado Kiwanis youth camp at Palmer park northeast of Colorado Springs. Scouts enrolled in the camp include Junior Wiebe, Bruce Wingerd, David Montgomery, Wayne Thies, Wayne Johnson, Earl Winter, Kenneth Bowers, Dennis Navrat, Greg Henry, Mickey Seaton and Oscar Davies.

Eighteen girls have been entered by their respective 4-H clubs for "Fair Queen" at the county fair in Hillsboro next week.

Gordon Wolf and Carl Richards left Friday by plane for Vancouver, B.C., where they will be guests of the Picksweet Frozen Food Company for a ten day meeting of representatives and distributors of the company's products.

The schoolhouse in the Merry-Go-Round School District No. 120 will be sold at public sale tomorrow afternoon, Wm. Schnell, auctioneer.
