50 years ago

SEPTEMBER 16, 1954

Ralph Popp, local carpenter and contractor, has been hired by the Mack Lumber Co. to manage their yard in Marion, recently purchased from the Badger Lumber Co. He will take over as manager October 1st and will carry a complete line of lumber and building supplies.

County Commissioners Carl Spangler, Ben Ehrlich and George Jost and County Engineer James Meisner and assistant Lysle Russell have been in Columbus, Ohio, this week attending the convention of the American Road Builders Association.

Today, September 16, has been proclaimed "Vice President Nixon Day" in Wichita because Richard M. Nixon is speaking to Kansans at a free public meeting at 8:45 p.m. at the Wichita Forum. Included in the group from Marion County planning to attend the meeting are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DuVall, Mr. and Mrs. John DeForest, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Ward, Mrs. C.L. Walker, and George Becker.

Shorty Estes, Marion, wasn't present at the Monday night drawing at the Kaw Theatre to collect his $30, so the prize next Monday goes to $45.

Seven Marion County students enrolled as new students at Kansas State College this fall. They are Karen Brodhead and Max Hayen, Marion; Carol Baker and Edgar Smith, Peabody; Betty Ann Sellers, Florence; and Terry Lyle Bruce, Tampa.

Certificates of membership in the Readers Club at the Marion City Library went to Mary Lou Schmidt, Bill Olsen, Bobby Klose, Mary Melton, Janet Whitlock, Karen Jost, Myrna Funk, Helen Olsen, Jimmy Paul Washburn, Faith Kelsey, Ada Piland, Beverly Winter, Bonnie Richmond, John Piland, Helen Ann Langley, Jo Ellen Atherton, Ruby Winkley, Claudia Cavender, and Sharon Nelson.

D.W. Montgomery Sr. walked off with the honors in the Country Club golf tournament Sept. 12 in the first flight division with a 79. He was ahead of Bob Brooks, in second place with an even 80, and Bob Hoover, third with a total of 82.
