50 years ago
Marion Kiwanis Club, in the interest of better public information on the subject, has scheduled two meetings on the controversial issues of public water supply fluoridation. The public is invited to attend both meetings, it was stated. The first meeting, presenting the "con" side will be given by Dr. Lula M. Stevenson, local chiropractor. At the second meeting, Dr. Willard Bellinger, director of the Division of Dental Hygiene, Kansas State Board of Health, will present the "pro" side.
Bruno Goertz, owner-manager of the Hillsboro Concrete Products Company, announces this week that they plan to open a second plant in Marion soon. "By putting in a new plant in Marion, we hope to be able to serve the public better, especially in and around Marion, Florence, Lincolnville and to the east, Mr. Goertz said.
Forty years ago this week, on October 1, 1917, city carrier mail service was started in Marion. E. J. Buckley was postmaster at the time, and the two carriers were Ernest Oyer and Paul Shahan.
Lenore Wheeler of Marion will take part in the University of Wichita's 12th annual Band Day Oct. 19 when WU plays host to high school and junior college bands throughout Kansas. She is a member of the flute section of the 125-piece WU Marching Band.
Margie Bernhardt, Elda Pankratz and Carol Krispense of Marion are enrolled in the 83rd session of Ottawa University.
The younger set were entertained at the home of Deborra Case Thursday afternoon to celebrate her fourth birthday. Guests received horns and balloons as favors. Those present included: Deborra and her sister, Diana, Brad Case, Debra Vogt, Shelley Batt, Laurie Brose, Susie and Patsy Wood, Cherri Ottensmeier and Debra Wygle.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richmond whose little daughter, Rhonda Ranee was born October 1st at St. Luke Hospital.
W.M. "Bud" Pierce was elected Thursday to represent Marion County on a 10-county regional economic development council. The organizational meeting of the council was held at the Lassen Hotel in Wichita.