50 years ago
october 27, 1955
Claude W. Ayler, popular rural carrier on Rural Route 2 out of Marion since June 1, 1930, will officially retire next Monday, October 31. The rural mail service benefits much from the service of men of Mr. Ayler's ability and devotion to duty.
The Marion County Historical Society, organized in October 1953, has been gathering items of historical value from over the county and, this week, is inquiring if anyone knows of the location of an old log house in Marion County. If one can be found and bought, it is the intention of the committee to renovate it for use with other museum displays.
Old friends in Marion recognized Art Thomas as the seal trainer on the "You Asked For It" program on TV Sunday. Art graduated from high school here with the class of 1945 when he lived with his sister who was a high school teacher here. Soon afterward he went to California and has become one of the best known seal trainers on the coast.
The Marion Gun Club will hold one of its popular Turkey and Ham Shoots Nov. 6 at the range and club house on the grounds of the municipal airport.
A nice time was had at the Sunflower Community meeting Tuesday evening. The hot dogs roasted outside were good as was the coffee, fruit, and marshmallows. Halloween games were played. All took part, even some 70-year-olds rode a broomstick. One fellow — to win a prize — put a whole apple in his mouth in one bite and ate it. It's a lot of fun when everyone takes part.
Little Teresa Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosse Case, arrived at St. Luke Hospital Sunday, October 23. She is welcomed by her big sister, Tamara, and brother, Brad.