50 years ago
october 6, 1955
Ground was broken at Wichita Saturday, in the initial step in the construction of the Chaplain Emil Kapaun Memorial High School for boys at Woodlawn and Central streets.
The new Marion youth center, "The Reservation," started off with enthusiastic approval of local teen-agers last week and the sponsoring organizations hope to see it successfully continued and expanded.
Wedding vows were exchanged Friday evening in the Eden Mennonite church by Anita Jean Flickner and Kenneth Rigler. After a trip to Colorado, they are at home in Marion where the bride teaches and the bridegroom is a radio and TV technician.
Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Sandwell entertained members of the Dorothy Sandwell and Dennis Youk bridal party at dinner Sunday evening at Kingfisher's Inn.
Mrs. Eddie Klose was successfully surprised Tuesday evening when guests arrived about eight o'clock bearing refreshments to help celebrate her birthday. Cards were played and at the close of the evening, Mrs. Klose was presented with a gift from her friends. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Warneke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Rindt, Mr. and Mrs. Chet McKibbin, Mr. Klose and Janet.
C.E. Cook announced this week the sale of his Cubby Hole Café. It will be moved to El Dorado. Mr. Cook said he had no desire to remain in the restaurant business and that there are "plenty of good cafés" in town. He sold the complete unit to be moved at once and plans on enlarging the body shop for his motor company into the lot which now is used by the café.