50 years ago
march 8, 1956
Members of the jubilant Marion Warrior basketball team who highly pleased and surprised their friends and supporters by winning the district basketball tournament last week were treated to a big steak dinner last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minear. Players attending were John Minear, Jim Christensen, Larry Schlehuber, Roland Vogel, David Montgomery, Warren Gardner, Tommy Shirley, Wade Robertson, Neil Hoopes, and James Gilbert. Also present were Coaches Yaussi, C.R. Wall, and Ed Frickey.
Mrs. Henry Loveless was surprised on her birthday Friday afternoon by the ladies on the third floor of the courthouse when they served a birthday cake and coffee in her honor. Hostesses were Mrs. James Ray, Mrs. Chas. Druse, and Mrs. Harold Vinduska.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollar and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kreuter plan to see the Ice Follies this Thursday evening. The spectacular is being held this year at the new field house on the Wichita University campus.
Members of the junior riding club will meet at the ball park east of town Saturday afternoon at one-thirty for a scheduled ride.
Robert S. Edmunds has joined the staff of the local Farm Bureau Insurance Agency and is now working out of the office on a full time basis.
Seventy-six Kansas high school seniors are finalists for Summerfield and Watkins four-year scholarship at the University of Kansas. Among the finalists are Kay Ann Navrat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Navrat, and David R. Montgomery, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Montgomery.
Word has been received here this week of the serious illness of Carroll (Red) Smith, a former Marion coach, now living in Garden City, Long Island, N.Y.